원예작물 수확 후 품질 유지 관련 기술개발
수확 후 발생하는 원예작물의 생리적 장해 발생 기작 연구
Omics-기술을 접목한 수확 후 원예작물의 대사 기작 연구
Understanding differential phenotypic responses of diverse physiological disorders in horticultural crops through targeted and untargeted cutting-edge technology approaches, including metabolomics, lipidomics, and proteomics.
Development and application of real time biomarkers (specific metabolites or biochemical pathways) to predict the risk development of physiological disorders prior to symptom appearance and to investigate more precise understanding of physiological and biochemical responses of specialty crop products to applied postharvest technologies and applications.
Development of value-added technologies to a given commodity applied by a combination of innovative, promising, and current applied technologies for better postharvest quality maintenance.
특허 |
강인규, 조재두, 정명근, 유진기, 이진욱 (2017) 기능성 천일염 제조방법 및 그로써 제조된 기능성 천일염. 출원번호: 10-2015-0062696 |